Information and policies for all our patients
Your Appointment
What to expect on your first visit. Please bring any referral letters or imaging / scans you may have been given to the appointment. The clinician can only carry out a clinical assessment, treatment or procedure with your informed consent. Information will be provided on benefits and risks, whether there are reasonable alternatives. All appointments with the clinician are confidential; we cannot disclose any information to any other person including your GP or other healthcare professional without your agreement. During your appointment your clinician will take a verbal history, perform a physical examination and may discuss and suggest a treatment approach, which may well be physical in nature. You are welcome to wear our shorts, but please feel free to bring your own gym wear. Your consultation may require you to undress to your underwear or shorts / vest, perform physical tests that may increase or reduce your symptoms. Be involved with physical contact with the clinician. Perform physical activity Your treatment appointments should relieve symptoms, however certain treatments may initially worsen symptoms prior to relieving them. It is not uncommon to feel an increase in pain / soreness later that day or the following day. If at any point you are concerned please do not hesitate to contact us. During assessments or appointment we want to ensure you are comfortable, you are welcome to be accompanied by a friend / relative or you may ask for a chaperone. Patients under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the initial assessment. If the legal guardian agrees then a 12-16yr old may attend for subsequent appointments without the legal guardian or chaperone. However this is at the discretion of the Physiotherapist. Patients under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Ask the clinician to stop treatment at any time. It is your duty to inform the clinician of any MEDICAL CONDITION that you suffer from. It is imperative that the clinician is informed about artificial metallic implants including pacemakers. If you have any questions at any point throughout the course of your appointment please do not hesitate to ask.
Insurance information
Insurance companies we work with & are able to bill directly are CIGNA Before you come in for your initial appointment you must present: Your up to date membership number and injury pre-authorisation number from your insurance company. Your policy limitations (i.e. your excess amount and the amount of money or the number of sessions that has been approved). It is important to check whether you need to be referred by a doctor or a consultant before receiving treatment. From time to time your insurer may reject a payment due to the limitations of your policy, meaning that you will need to pay Regen-X-Health Ltd directly. In most instances you will need to contact your insurer yourself because of data protection. However please be aware that it is your policy and Regen-X-Health Ltd can not be held responsible for any costs incurred. Any appointments you undertake prior to advising Regen-X-Health Ltd of your wish to use your insurance company OR obtaining your insurance companies approval/full details, will be charged to you at the full rate and will not be refundable, in full or in part, once you have approval. Other insurance companies For any other insurance companies payment is required in full at time of booking. Patients with other health insurance policies are asked to reclaim their fees directly from their insurer.
Cancellation Policy
Important Payment Information Full payment will be made at the time of booking. For all appointments 48 hours notice is required for cancellation. A cancellation charge equal to the full cost of the appointment will be made if less than 24 hours notice is given and 50% charge if less than 48 hours. Injection only: If on the day of the appointment the decision is made, not to proceed with the injection, you will be charged the normal initial assessment fee of £120. Please note that insurance companies will not pay for missed appointments or appointments rescheduled without sufficient notice therefore you will be obliged to pay the full amount for that appointment.
Privacy Policy
Regen-X-Health Ltd takes you privacy seriously. This Policy outlines how we manage your personal information under GDPR which commenced in 2018. The Data Protection Law in this country is: General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Under this Data Protection Law, patients consent to the use of their personal data by Regen-X-Health Ltd practitioners and reception staff for healthcare management purposes. Please check this policy occasionally as changes may occur because of changes to the law, our clinical activities or the nature of technology. We want to ensure you are happy with this policy as by using our website, you agree to be bound by this Policy. Patients willingly provide personal data to Regen-X-Health Ltd on their first visit, when they complete a “new patient registration form”. If someone is unwilling to complete a registration form (including but not limited to their address, list of current prescription medication and their signature to confirm ‘consent to treatment’) then they can not be registered and treated as one of our patients. We obtain information about you when you use our website to contact us about our services or when you register as a private patient at our clinic. We collect personal information which includes your name, date of birth, occupation, contact details, email address & any medical information you provide to use during your appointment. We may use this information for the following purposes: To provide and fulfill services between yourself and Regen-X-health Ltd which may include rehabilitation plans, invoices & billing Onward referral to another medical professional where you have given your consent To notify you about changes to our service To provide customer support To gather analysis or valuable information so that we can improve our service To assess, address & prevent technical issues Your personal information will be held for as long as necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. We will retain and use your personal data to the extent necessary in accordance with medical data protection regulations. Your information will not be shared or sold to third parties for marketing purposes. If any of your details change then please contact us directly. Security Of Data The security of your data is paramount & personally identifiable information is kept secure. We store personal information in hard copy files that are kept in a secure location. Personal information that we store or transmit is protected by security and access controls, including username and password authentication. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our privacy policy you may contact us in the following ways: Email: paul@regenx.health Postal Address: 3 Teanhurst Close, Lower Tean, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. ST10 4NN Intellectual Property The design & content of this web site remains the intellectual property of Regen-X-Health Ltd at all times. You may not use, reproduce the content on this web site for any reason without written permission from Regen-X-Health Ltd No Warranty, Disclaimer of Liability & Indemnity Regen-X-Health Ltd makes no warranty concerning the services & content available on this web site. In no event will Regen-X-Health Ltd be liable for direct, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of (or failure to use) or reliance on this web site. Regen-X-Health Ltd does not guarantee the accuracy, content, or timeliness of the services available on this web site. Registered Company Details Regen-X-Healt Ltd. 3 Teanhurst Close, Lower Tean. Stoke-on-Trent. Staffordshire. ST10 4NN Company Number: 10500806 Registered In England & Wales