Corticosteroid £250
Corticosteroid Plus * £280
Ostenil Plus £300
Ostenil Tendon £300
Ostenil Mini £275
Ostenil & Corticosteroid £375
Prolotherapy £250
Fenestration** £350
High Volume Injections £350
Sinovial HL 2ml*** £450
Sinogel 3ml*** £500
*Advanced Procedure - Joint Aspirations
** Includes 2-3 sessions over 6 weeks
*** if combined with corticosteroid add £75

Per session £100
*Course of 4-6 sessions required
** 1 body part per per session

New Assessment £120
Follow up £100
Important Payment Information
Full payment will be made at the time of booking.
For all appointments 48 hours notice is required for cancellation.
A cancellation charge equal to the full cost of the appointment will be made if less than 24 hours notice is given and 50% charge if less than 48 hours.
Injection only:
If on the day of the appointment the decision is made, not to proceed with the injection, you will be charged the normal initial assessment fee of £120.